Appendix B: Reference Information 648
DIM MISMATCH Your calculator displays the ERR:DIM MISMATCH error
if you are trying to perform an operation that references
one or more lists or matrices whose dimensions do not
match. For example, multiplying L1*L2, where
L1={1,2,3,4,5} and L2={1,2} produces an ERR:DIM
MISMATCH error because the number of elements in
L1 and L2 do not match.
DIVIDE BY 0 You attempted to divide by zero. This error is not
returned during graphing. The TI-84 Plus allows for
undefined values on a graph.
You attempted a linear regression with a vertical line.
DOMAIN You specified an argument to a function or instruction
outside the valid range. This error is not returned
during graphing. The TI-84 Plus allows for undefined
values on a graph. See AppendixA.
You attempted a logarithmic or power regression with
a LX or an exponential or power regression with a LY.
You attempted to compute GPrn( or GInt( with
DUPLICATE You attempted to create a duplicate group name.
Duplicate Name A variable you attempted to transmit cannot be
transmitted because a variable with that name already
exists in the receiving unit.
EXPIRED You have attempted to run an application with a limited
trial period which has expired.
Error Type Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies