Chapter 4: Parametric Graphing 134
1. Press z. Press †††~Í to select Par
mode. Press ††~Í to select Simul for
simultaneous graphing of all three parametric
equations in this example.
2. Press o. Press 30 „ ™ 25 y; 1 (to
select ¡) ¤Í to define X1T in terms of T.
3. Press 30 „ ˜ 25 y ; 1 ¤ ¹ 9.8 ¥ 2
„ ¡ Í to define Y1T.
The vertical component vector is defined by X2T
and Y2T.
4. Press 0 Í to define X2T.
5. Press ~ to display the VARSY-VARS menu.
Press 2 to display the PARAMETRIC secondary
menu. Press 2 Í to define Y2T.