Chapter 11: Lists 264
example, you can use Select( to select and then analyze a portion of plotted
CBL 2™/CBL™ or CBR™ data.
Note: Before you use Select(, you must have selected (turned on) a scatter plot or xyLine
plot. Also, the plot must be displayed in the current viewing window.
Before Using Select(
Before Using Select(Before Using Select(
Before Using Select(
Before using Select(, follow these steps.
1. Create two list names and enter the data.
2. Turn on a stat plot, select " (scatter plot) or Ó (xyLine), and enter the two list names
for Xlist: and Ylist: (Chapter12).
3. Use ZoomStat to plot the data (Chapter3).
Using Select( to Select Data Points from a Plot
Using Select( to Select Data Points from a PlotUsing Select( to Select Data Points from a Plot
Using Select( to Select Data Points from a Plot
To select data points from a scatter plot or xyLine plot, follow these steps.
1. Press y 9 ~ 8 to select 8:Select( from the LIST OPS menu. Select( is pasted to
the home screen.