Chapter 12: Statistics 302
Restoring L
Restoring LRestoring L
Restoring L1
1 through L
through L through L
through L6
6 to the Stat List Editor
to the Stat List Editor to the Stat List Editor
to the Stat List Editor
SetUpEditor with no listnames removes all list names from the stat list editor and restores
list names L1 through L6 in the stat list editor columns 1 through 6.
Regression Model FeaturesRegression Model FeaturesRegression Model FeaturesRegression Model Features
Regression Model Features
Regression Model FeaturesRegression Model Features
Regression Model Features
STAT CALC menu items 3 through C are regression models. The automatic residual list
and automatic regression equation features apply to all regression models. Diagnostics
display mode applies to some regression models.
Automatic Residual List
Automatic Residual ListAutomatic Residual List
Automatic Residual List
When you execute a regression model, the automatic residual list feature computes and
stores the residuals to the list name RESID. RESID becomes an item on the
LISTNAMES menu (Chapter 11).