Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics and Distributions 371
Note: The variables listed above cannot be archived.
number of data points for sample 1
and sample 2 n1, n2 n1, n2 TEST
pooled standard deviation SxP SxP SxP TEST
estimated sample proportion ‚Ç ‚Ç TEST
estimated sample proportion for
population 1 ‚Ç1‚Ç1TEST
estimated sample proportion for
population 2 ‚Ç2‚Ç2TEST
confidence interval pair lower,
upper TEST
mean of x values vv XY
sample standard deviation of x Sx Sx XY
number of data points nn XY
standard error about the line sTEST
regression/fit coefficients a, b EQ
correlation coefficient rEQ
coefficient of determination r2 EQ
regression equation RegEQ EQ
Variables Tests Intervals LinRegTTest,