Chapter 11: Lists 257
Use y K to recall the contents of the list into an expression at the cursor location
(Chapter 1).
Note: You must paste user-created list names to the Rcl prompt by selecting them from
the LIST NAMES menu. You cannot enter them directly using Ù.
Using Lists with Math Functions
Using Lists with Math FunctionsUsing Lists with Math Functions
Using Lists with Math Functions
You can use a list to input several values for some math functions. Other chapters and
Appendix A specify whether a list is valid. The function is evaluated for each list element,
and a list is displayed.
When you use a list with a function, the function must be valid for every element in
the list. In graphing, an invalid element, such as L1 in ({1,0,L1}), is ignored.
When you use two lists with a two-argument function, the dimension of each list
must be the same. The function is evaluated for corresponding elements.
This returns an error.
This graphs X…‡(1) and X…‡(0), but skips