Chapter 12: Statistics 286
To begin entering, scrolling, or editing list elements, press . The rectangular cursor
is displayed.
Note: If the list name you entered in step 2 already was stored in another stat list
editor column, then the list and its elements, if any, move to the current column from
the previous column. Remaining list names shift accordingly.
Creating a Name in the Stat List Editor
Creating a Name in the Stat List EditorCreating a Name in the Stat List Editor
Creating a Name in the Stat List Editor
To create a name in the stat list editor, follow these steps.
1. Display the Name= prompt.
2. Press [letter from A to Z or q] to enter the first letter of the name. The first character
cannot be a number.
3. Enter zero to four letters, q, or numbers to complete the new user-created list name.
List names can be one to five characters long.
4. Press Í or to store the list name in the current column of the stat list editor.
The list name becomes an item on the LISTNAMES menu (Chapter 11).