Chapter 16: Programming 445
Menu("title","text1",label1,"text2",label2, . . .)
The program above pauses until you select 1 or 2. If you select 2, for example, the menu
disappears and the program continues execution at LblB.
Use prgm to execute other programs as subroutines. When you select prgm, it is pasted
to the cursor location. Enter characters to spell a program name. Using prgm is equivalent
to selecting existing programs from the PRGM EXEC menu; however, it allows you to
enter the name of a program that you have not yet created.
Note: You cannot directly enter the subroutine name when using RCL. You must paste
the name from the PRGMEXEC menu.
Return quits the subroutine and returns execution to the calling program, even if
encountered within nested loops. Any loops are ended. An implied Return exists at the
end of any program that is called as a subroutine. Within the main program, Return stops
execution and returns to the home screen.
Program Output