Chapter 9: Split Screen 219
Note: Each set of numbers in parentheses above represents the row and column of a
corner pixel, which is turned on.
DRAW POINTS Menu Pixel Instructions
DRAW POINTS Menu Pixel InstructionsDRAW POINTS Menu Pixel Instructions
DRAW POINTS Menu Pixel Instructions
For Pxl-On(, Pxl-Off(, Pxl-Change(, and pxl-Test(:
Horiz mode, row must be {30; column must be {94.
G-T mode, row must be {50; column must be {46.
DRAW Menu Text( Instruction
DRAW Menu Text( InstructionDRAW Menu Text( Instruction
DRAW Menu Text( Instruction
For the Text( instruction:
Horiz mode, row must be {25; column must be {94.
G-T mode, row must be {45; column must be {46.
Text( row,column ,"text" )
PRGM I/O Menu Output( Instruction
PRGM I/O Menu Output( InstructionPRGM I/O Menu Output( Instruction
PRGM I/O Menu Output( Instruction
For the Output( instruction:
Horiz mode, row must be {4; column must be {16.
G-T mode, row must be {8; column must be {16.