Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 541
Garbage CollectionGarbage CollectionGarbage CollectionGarbage Collection
Garbage Collection Message
Garbage Collection MessageGarbage Collection Message
Garbage Collection Message
If you use the user data archive extensively, you may see a Garbage Collect? message.
This occurs if you try to archive a variable when there is not enough free contiguous
archive memory.
The Garbage Collect? message lets you know an archive will take longer than usual. It
also alerts you that the archive will fail if there is not enough memory.
The message can also alert you when a program is caught in a loop that repetitively fills
the user data archive. Select No to cancel the garbage collection process, and then find
and correct the errors in your program.
When YES is selected, the TI-84 Plus will attempt to rearrange the archived variables to
make additional room.
Responding to the Garbage Collection Message
Responding to the Garbage Collection MessageResponding to the Garbage Collection Message
Responding to the Garbage Collection Message
To cancel, select 1:No.
If you select 1:No, the message
ERR:ARCHIVE FULL will be displayed.
To continue archiving, select 2:Yes.
If you select 2:Yes, the process message
Garbage Collecting... or Defragmenting...
will be displayed.