Chapter 3: Function Graphing 127
1. Select 1:value from the CALCULATE menu. The graph is displayed with X= in the
bottom-left corner.
2. Enter a real value, which can be an expression, for X between Xmin and Xmax.
3. Press Í.
The cursor is on the first selected function in the Y= editor at the X value you entered,
and the coordinates are displayed, even if CoordOff format is selected.
To move the cursor from function to function at the entered X value, press } or . To
restore the free-moving cursor, press | or ~.
zero finds a zero (x-intercept or root) of a function using solve(. Functions can have more
than one x-intercept value; zero finds the zero closest to your guess.
The time zero spends to find the correct zero value depends on the accuracy of the
values you specify for the left and right bounds and the accuracy of your guess.
To find a zero of a function, follow these steps.