Chapter 16: Programming 425
Chapter 16:
Chapter 16:Chapter 16:
Chapter 16:
Getting Started: Volume of a Cylinder
Getting Started: Volume of a CylinderGetting Started: Volume of a Cylinder
Getting Started: Volume of a Cylinder
Getting Started is a fast-paced introduction. Read the chapter for details.
A program is a set of commands that the TI-84 Plus executes sequentially, as if you had
entered them from the keyboard. Create a program that prompts for the radius R and the
height H of a cylinder and then computes its volume.
1. Press ~ ~ to display the PRGMNEW menu.
2. Press Í to select 1:Create New. The Name=
prompt is displayed, and alpha-lock is on. Pre s s [C]
[Y] [L] [I] [N] [D] [E] [R], and then press Í to
name the program CYLINDER.
You are now in the program editor. The colon (:)
in the first column of the second line indicates the
beginning of a command line.