Chapter 1: Operating the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition 9
Busy Indicator
Busy IndicatorBusy Indicator
Busy Indicator
When the TI-84 Plus is calculating or graphing, a vertical moving line is displayed as a
busy indicator in the top-right corner of the screen. When you pause a graph or a
program, the busy indicator becomes a vertical moving dotted line.
Display Cursors
Display CursorsDisplay Cursors
Display Cursors
In most cases, the appearance of the cursor indicates what will happen when you press
the next key or select the next menu item to be pasted as a character.
If you press ƒ during an insertion, the cursor becomes an underlined A (A). If you
press y during an insertion, the underlined cursor becomes an underlined # (#).
Graphs and editors sometimes display additional cursors, which are described in other
Cursor Appearance Effect of Next Keystroke
Entry Solid rectangle
A character is entered at the cursor; any existing
character is overwritten
Insert Underline
__ A character is inserted in front of the cursor
Second Reverse arrow
A 2nd character (blue on the keyboard) is entered
or a 2nd operation is executed
Alpha Reverse A
An alpha character (green on the keyboard) is
entered or SOLVE is executed
Full Checkerboard rectangle
No entry; the maximum characters are entered at
a prompt or memory is full