Chapter 1: Operating the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition 21
Setting a Mode from a Program
Setting a Mode from a ProgramSetting a Mode from a Program
Setting a Mode from a Program
You can set a mode from a program by entering the name of the mode as an instruction;
for example, Func or Float. From a blank program command line, select the mode setting
from the mode screen; the instruction is pasted to the cursor location.
Normal, Sci, Eng
Normal, Sci, EngNormal, Sci, Eng
Normal, Sci, Eng
Notation modes only affect the way an answer is displayed on the home screen.
Numeric answers can be displayed with up to 10 digits and a two-digit exponent. You
can enter a number in any format.
Normal notation mode is the usual way we express numbers, with digits to the left and
right of the decimal, as in 12345.67.
Sci (scientific) notation mode expresses numbers in two parts. The significant digits
display with one digit to the left of the decimal. The appropriate power of 10 displays to
the right of å, as in 1.234567â4.
Eng (engineering) notation mode is similar to scientific notation. However, the number
can have one, two, or three digits before the decimal; and the power-of-10 exponent is a
multiple of three, as in 12.34567â3.
Note: If you select Normal notation, but the answer cannot display in 10 digits (or the
absolute value is less than .001), the TI-84 Plus expresses the answer in scientific