Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management 515
Available RAM, Archive, and App Slots
Available RAM, Archive, and App SlotsAvailable RAM, Archive, and App Slots
Available RAM, Archive, and App Slots
The TI-84 Plus / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition has Archive, RAM, and Application (App) slot
memory for you to use and manage. The available RAM stores computations, lists,
variables, and data. The available Archive lets you store programs, Apps, groups, and
other variables. The App slots are actually individual sectors of Flash ROM where Apps
are stored.
Note: Some Apps take up several App slots.
Displaying the About Screen
Displaying the About ScreenDisplaying the About Screen
Displaying the About Screen
About displays information about the TI-84 Plus Operating System (OS) Version,
Product Number, Product Identification (ID), and Flash Application (App) Certificate
Revision Number. To display the About screen, press y L and then select 1:About.
calculator Available RAM Available
Archive App
TI-84 Plus 24 Kilobytes 491 Kilobytes 30
TI-84 Plus Silver
Edition 24 Kilobytes 1.5 Megabytes 94
RAM FREE displays the
amount of available RAM.
ARC FREE displays the
amount of available Archive.