Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics and Distributions 383
To clear the drawings, select 1:ClrDraw from the DRAW menu (Chapter8).
Note: Before you execute a DISTR DRAW instruction, you must set the window variables
so that the desired distribution fits the screen.
Note: L1â99 and 1â99 specify infinity. If you want to view the area left of upperbound, for
example, specify lowerbound=L1â99.
ShadeNorm( draws the normal density function specified by mean m and standard
deviation s and shades the area between lowerbound and upperbound. The defaults are m=0
and s=1.
1: ShadeNorm( Shades normal distribution.
2: Shade_t( Shades Student-t distribution.
3: Shadec2(Shades c2 distribution.
4: ShadeÜ(Shades Üdistribution.