Chapter 12: Statistics 324
5. Enter list names or select options for the plot type.
Xlist (list name containing independent data)
Ylist (list name containing dependent data)
Mark ( or + or ¦)
Freq (frequency list for Xlist elements; default is 1)
Data List (list name for NormProbPlot)
Data Axis (axis on which to plot Data List)
Displaying Other Stat Plot Editors
Displaying Other Stat Plot EditorsDisplaying Other Stat Plot Editors
Displaying Other Stat Plot Editors
Each stat plot has a unique stat plot editor. The name of the current stat plot (Plot1,
Plot2, or Plot3) is highlighted in the top line of the stat plot editor. To display the stat plot
editor for a different plot, press } and ~ to move the cursor onto the name in the top
line, and then press Í. The stat plot editor for the selected plot is displayed, and the
selected name remains highlighted.
Õ ModBoxplot _ œ _ _ œ œ
Ö Boxplot _ œ œ _ œ œ
Ô NormProbPlot œœ_œ__
Plot Type XList YList Mark Freq Data
List Data