Chapter 12: Statistics 280
The new function y=.192x.522 appears to fit the data well. To get more information,
examine a residual plot.
25. Press Í to calculate the power regression.
Values for a and b are displayed on the home
screen. The power regression equation is stored
in Y1. Residuals are calculated and stored
automatically in the list name RESID.
26. Press s. The regression line and the scatter
plot are displayed.
27. Press o to display the Y= editor.
Press | Í to deselect Y1.
Press } Í to turn off plot 1. Press to
turn on plot 2.
Note: Step 19 defined plot 2 to plot residuals
(RESID) versus string length (L1).
28. Press q 9 to select 9:ZoomStat from the ZOOM
menu. The window variables are adjusted
automatically, and plot 2 is displayed. This is a
scatter plot of the residuals.