Chapter 1: Operating the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition 37
Selecting an Item from a Menu
Selecting an Item from a MenuSelecting an Item from a Menu
Selecting an Item from a Menu
You can select an item from a menu in either of two ways.
Note: On the LIST NAMES, PRGM EXEC, and PRGM EDIT menus, only items 1 through 9
and 0 are labeled in such a way that you can select them by pressing the appropriate
number key. To move the cursor to the firs t item beginning with any alpha char acter or q,
press the key combination for that alpha character or q. If no items begin with that
character, the cursor moves beyond it to the next item.
Calculate 327.
Press the number or letter of the item you want to
select. The cursor can be anywhere on the menu,
and the item you select need not be displayed on
the screen.
Press or } to move the cursor to the item you
want, and then press Í.
After you select an item from a menu, the TI-84 Plus
typically displays the previous screen.
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