Chapter 12: Statistics 288
On the home screen or in the program editor, enter 0!dim(listname) to set the
dimension of listname to 0 (Chapter 11).
ClrAllLists to clear all lists in memory (Chapter 18).
Editing a List Element
Editing a List ElementEditing a List Element
Editing a List Element
To edit a list element, follow these steps.
1. Move the rectangular cursor onto the element you want to edit.
2. Press Í to move the cursor to the entry line.
Note: If you want to replace the current value, you can enter a new value without first
pressing Í. When you enter the first character, the current value is cleared
3. Edit the element in the entry line.
Press one or more keys to enter the new value. When you enter the first
character, the current value is cleared automatically.
Press ~ to move the cursor to the character before which you want to insert, press
y6, and then enter one or more characters.
Press ~ to move the cursor to a character you want to delete, and then press {
to delete the character.
To cancel any editing and restore the original element at the rectangular cursor,
press ‘Í.