Chapter 3: Function Graphing 102
Note: Some graph styles are not available in all graphing modes. Chapters 4, 5, and 6
list the styles for Par, Pol, and Seq modes.
Setting the Graph Style
Setting the Graph StyleSetting the Graph Style
Setting the Graph Style
To set the graph style for a function, follow these steps.
1. Press o to display the Y= editor.
2. Press and } to move the cursor to the function.
3. Press | | to move the cursor left, past t he = sign, to the graph style icon in the first
column. The insert cursor is displayed. (Steps 2 and 3 are interchangeable.)
4. Press Í repeatedly to rotate through the graph styles. The seven styles rotate in
the same order in which they are listed in the table above.
èThick A thick solid line connects plotted points
éAbove Shading covers the area above the graph
êBelow Shading covers the area below the graph
ëPath A circular cursor traces the leading edge of the graph and draws
a path
ìAnimate A circular cursor traces the leading edge of the graph without
drawing a path
íDot A small dot represents each plotted point; this is the default in Dot
Icon Style Description