Chapter 16: Programming 436
These menu items direct the flow of an executing program. They make it easy to repeat
or skip a group of commands during program execution. When you select an item from
the menu, the name is pasted to the cursor location on a command line in the program.
To return to the program editor without selecting an item, press .
Controlling Program Flow
Controlling Program FlowControlling Program Flow
Controlling Program Flow
Program control instructions tell the TI-84 Plus which command to execute next in a
program. If, While, and Repeat check a defined condition to determine which command
to execute next. Conditions frequently use relational or Boolean tests (Chapter2), as in:
If A<7:A+1!A
If N=1 and M=1:Goto Z
D: prgm Executes a program as a subroutine.
E: Return Returns from a subroutine.
F: Stop Stops execution.
G: DelVar Deletes a variable from within program.
H: GraphStyle( Designates the graph style to be drawn.