Chapter 16: Programming 456
Note: You can access Get(, Send(, and GetCalc( from the CATALOG to execute them
from the home screen (Chapter 15).
Calling Other Programs as SubroutinesCalling Other Programs as SubroutinesCalling Other Programs as SubroutinesCalling Other Programs as Subroutines
Calling a Program from Another Program
Calling a Program from Another ProgramCalling a Program from Another Program
Calling a Program from Another Program
On the TI-84 Plus, any stored program can be called from another program as a
subroutine. Enter the name of the program to use as a subroutine on a line by itself.
You can enter a program name on a command line in either of two ways.
Press  | to display the PRGM EXEC menu and select the name of the program
prgmname is pasted to the current cursor location on a command line.
Select prgm from the PRGM CTL menu, and then enter the program name.
When prgmname is encountered during execution, the next command that the program
executes is the first command in the second program. It returns to the subsequent
Note: This program gets sound data and time in
seconds from CBL 2™.