Chapter 16: Programming 444
DS<( (decrement and skip) subtracts 1 from variable. If the answer is <value (which can be
an expression), the next command is skipped; if the answer is |value, the next command is
executed. variable cannot be a system variable.
:command (if answer value)
:command (if answer < value)
Note: DS<( is not a looping instruction.
Menu( sets up branching within a program. If Menu( is encountered during program
execution, the menu screen is displayed with the specified menu items, the pause
indicator is on, and execution pauses until you select a menu item.
The menu title is enclosed in quotation marks ("). Up to seven pairs of menu items
follow. Each pair comprises a text item (also enclosed in quotation marks) to be displayed
as a menu selection, and a label item to which to branch if you select the corresponding
menu selection.
Program Output