Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics and Distributions 341
Note: When a new test or interval is computed, all previous output variables are
Inferential Stat Editors for the STAT TESTS Instructions
Inferential Stat Editors for the STAT TESTS InstructionsInferential Stat Editors for the STAT TESTS Instructions
Inferential Stat Editors for the STAT TESTS Instructions
In this chapter, the description of each STAT TESTS instruction shows the unique
inferential stat editor for that instruction with example arguments.
Descriptions of instructions that offer the Data/Stats input choice show both types of
input screens.
Descriptions of instructions that do not offer the Data/Stats input choice show only
one input screen.
0: 2-SampTInt... Confidence interval for difference of 2 m’s, unknown s’s
A: 1-PropZInt... Confidence interval for 1 proportion
B: 2-PropZInt... Confidence interval for difference of 2 proportions
C: c2-Test... Chi-square test for 2-way tables
D: c2-GOF Test... Chi-square Goodness of Fit test
E: 2-SampÛTest... Test comparing 2 s’s
F: LinRegTTest... t test for regression slope and r
G: LinRegTInt... Confidence interval for linear regression slope coefficient b
H: ANOVA( One-way analysis of variance