Categories | Commands and Queries Reference |
GLBL | inform the XMP 2600 Main Controller on |
| installed Power Modules. |
GLBL? | return the current Global |
GPIB | |
GPIB? | return the current operating mode of the XMP 2600. |
GRP | define the members of the group of Power Modules to be shutdown when |
| one (or more) is faulty. |
GRP? | return the current definition of the group of Power Modules. |
ID? | return an identification string. |
LLOCK | lock / unlock the XMP 2600 in remote mode. |
LLOCK? | return the state of the XMP 2600 Local Lock Flag. |
MON | change the operating mode of the RS232 serial communication interface |
| into or out of Monitor Mode. |
MON? | return the current state of the Monitor Mode. |
POR | program the XMP 2600 behavior at Power On (Power On Retain). |
POR? | return the value of the Power On Retain Flag. |
PRIM? | return Power Modules internal to the Main Chassis. |
PWR? | return the value of the Power Warning Threshold of the XMP 2600 |
| master mainframe. |
RCL | restores settings of all the Power Modules. |
RCL? | return an indication whether the Storage Area is free. |
RESET | reset the entire XMP 2600 system. |
ROM? | return a string identifying the XMP 2600 |
SEQ | start / stop sequence program execution. |
SEQ? | return the current state of the Sequence Program. |
SEQCLR | clear all Sequence Program Steps. |
SHUT | defines optional events that will cause a shutdown. |
SHUT? | returns the selection of |
STEP | program a Sequence Program Step. |
STEP? | return the programmed STEP delay and operation. |
STO | stores settings of all the Power Modules. |
TOEN | enables or disables the remote communication time out feature. |
TOEN? | queries the current state of the remote communication time out feature. |
TOGRP | defines the group of channels to be |
| communication time out occurs. |
TOGRP? | return the current definition of the group of Power Modules that will |
| |
TORST | resets the remote communication time out event. |
TOSET | set the remote communication time out period. |
TOSET? | return the programmed time out period of the remote communication |
| time out feature. |
36 | XMP 2600 Programming Manual rev. 1.1 |