Communicating with the network
After the print data has been prepared for printing and combined with print options
DocuPrint supports TCP/IP, AppleTalk, and Novell NetWare network communications protocols.
The following table lists the workstations supported by DocuPrint, and the networking options and job submission methods available for each client.
Table 1-1. Workstation reference
Client |
| Protocol; |
workstation | Operating | Ethernet | Translation |
hardware | system | connection | requirements | Job submission method |
Sun | Solaris * | Standard | TCP/IP; | Print using the lpr command or |
Microsystems |
| none | Xerox Client Software, provided that |
| the remote printer is configured as a |
| Berkley spooler |
PC | Optional | TCP/IP; | Print to disk file, then send using the | |
| Ethernet | network communication | lpr command or Xerox Client |
| interface card | software is required * | Software |
| (for example |
| 3Com 3C503) |
PC | Windows | Optional | TCP/IP or Novell | Print directly from Xerox driver, or |
| 3.1x, 95, | Ethernet | NetWare 3.1x; | use Xerox Document Submission |
| 98, NT 4.0 | interface | network communication | (XDS) or Quick Print software for |
| software is required with | Windows |
| TCP/IP (3.1x) * |
Digital | Digital | Optional Ethernet | TCP/IP; | Print directly from application, or |
Equipment | UNIX 4.0 | interface | none | use the lpr command or Xerox |
Corporation |
| Client Software |
DECStation |
Apple | Apple OS | Optional Ethernet | AppleTalk using EtherTalk | Print directly from Xerox driver, or |
Macintosh |
| interface | Phase I or II; none | use Xerox Document Submission |
| (XDS) software for the Macintosh |
IBM RS/6000 | IBM AIX | Standard | TCP/IP; | Print using Xerox Client Software |
| none |
HP/Apollo | Standard | TCP/IP; | Print using Xerox Client Software | |
| none |
* An additional software utility that prepares data for submission to the network in TCP/IP network protocol is required. This software utility is referred to as a network communications utility. While this software must be installed and running for jobs to be submitted successfully to DocuPrint, once installed, its operation is transparent to the user.
**The printer controller’s Sun operating system is based on the standard Sun operating system; however, it has been customized for use with the Xerox printer controller. Therefore, not all standard Sun operating system features are available.