printing from Tray 1 (MPT), 84 supported for Tray 1 (MPT), 83
enabled by default on Phaser printers, 36
enabling on the control panel, 36 enabling with CentreWare IS, 36 manually setting the printer’s IP
address, 37
setting the printer’s IP address dynamically, 36
drivers available, 39 description, 39 installing, 39 Macintosh, 39
Macintosh OS X version 10.3, 41 Macintosh OS X version 10.4, 43, 44 PCL, 39
PostScript, 39
Windows 2000 or later, 40 duplex unit, 24
dynamically setting the printer’s IP address, 36
electrical safety, 8
commands for, 148 enabling
options, 134
enabling AutoIP on the printer, 36 enabling DHCP on the printer, 36 envelopes, 70
guidelines, 70
printing from Tray 1 (MPT), 72 error and warning messages, 139 error messages
about consumables, 135 control panel, 135
Ethernet connection, 33
getting help, 139
Online Support Assistant, 139 PrintingScout alerts, 139 technical support, 30
glossy paper, 78
printing from Tray 1 (MPT), 78 printing from Trays
glossy paper, 78 labels, 73 operational, 10 paper storage, 48 paper usage, 46
printing on both sides of the paper, 66 printing safety, 11
help resources, 30
how to check the meter, 149
about your printer, 30 information pages, 30 Installation Guide, 30 printer management tools, 30 Quick Use Guide, 30 resources, 30
technical support, 30 video tutorials, 30 web links, 30
information pages, 26 Configuration, 26 control panel menu, 95 Menu Map, 26
installing printer drivers, 39 Mac OS X, version 10.3, 41