Figure 5-3 shows the top level ISDN D channel configuration screen.
Note that there is a separate column for each D channel supported by the system. Table
5-3 lists the settings controlled on this screen along with their possible and default values.
Figure 5-8. D Channel Configuration Screen
Table 5-3. Options and Defaults
Parameter |
| User Options |
| Default | |
STATE | stdby | conf | actv |
| stdby |
WAN | |||||||||
| |
TS |
| 24 | ||
RATE | 56k | 64k |
| 64k |
SIDE | user | net |
| user |
SW. TYPE | fjtsu att_4 | dms_1 | dms_2 | att_5 | ni_2 | dpnss | dass2 | fjtsu | |
| net_5 | mcl |
DATA INV | no | yes |
| no |
Server Cards |