Chapter 45 Introducing Commands

Enter <command> help to display detailed sub commands and parameters.

sysname> ping help Commands available:

ping <iphost-name>


[ in-bandout-of-bandvlan <vlan-id> ] [ size <0-1472> ]

[ -t ]



Enter <command> ? to display detailed help information about the sub commands and parameters.

sysname> ping ?


ip address




of ping help




45.10 Using Command History

The Switch keeps a list of recently used commands available to you for reuse. You can use any commands in the history again by pressing the up (y) or down (z) arrow key to scroll through the previously used commands and press [ENTER]. Use the history command to display the list of commands.

sysname> history enable

exit show ip history


45.11 Saving Your Configuration

After you set the Switch settings with the configuration commands, use the write memory command to save the changes permanently.

" The write memory command is not available in User mode.



GS-4012F/4024 User’s Guide