Routing Domain Command Examples
51.0.1 interface route-domainSyntax:
interface route-domain <ip-address>/<mask-bits>
<ip-address>= This is the IP address of the Switch in the routing domain. Specify the IP address is dotted decimal notation. For example,
<mask-bits>= The number of bits in the subnet mask. Enter the subnet mask number preceded with a “/”. To find the bit number, convert the subnet mask to binary and add all of the 1’s together. Take “” for example. 255 converts to eight 1’s in binary. There are three 255’s, so add three eights together and you get the bit number (24).
Use this command to enable/create the specified routing domain for configuration. An example is shown next.
•Enter the configuration mode.
•Enable default routing domain (the subnet) for configuration.
•Begin configuring for this domain.
sysname# config
sysname(config)# interface route-domain cmd interface route domain sysname(config-if)#
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