Electrolux EEA250 manual Sl Et

Page 9

4.To make coffee again, press the steam button once more (the light will turn off ) and then turn the se- lector to .

4.Zur Zubereitung von weiterem Kaffee drücken Sie die Dampftaste erneut (Anzeige erlischt) und dre- hen Sie dann den Wahlschalter in Stellung .

4.Pour préparer à nouveau du café, appuyez une nouvelle fois sur le bouton vapeur (le voyant s'éteint) puis positionnez le bouton de sé- lection sur .

4.Als u opnieuw koffie wilt zetten,drukt u nog eenmaal op de stoomknop (het lampje gaat uit) en draait u de keuzeknop in de stand .

5.For hot water, place a cup under

the steam nozzle and turn the se- lector dial to . Hot water comes out of the nozzle. Turn the dial back to to stop the water.

5.Für heißes Wasser stellen Sie ein Gefäß unter die Dampfdüse und

drehen Sie den Wahlschalter in Stellung . Heißes Wasser tritt aus der Düse aus. Zum Abstellen des

Wassers drehen Sie den Wahlschal- ter wieder in Stellung .

5.Pour obtenir de l'eau chaude, placez un bol sous la buse vapeur et

positionnez le bouton de sélection sur . De l'eau chaude s'écoule par la buse. Positionnez le bouton de sélection sur pour arrêter l'écou- lement.

5.Voor heet water zet u een kopje onder het stoommondstuk en

draait u de keuzeknop in de stand

. Er komt heet water uit het mondstuk. Draai de keuzeknop terug in de stand om het water te stoppen.


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2009-06-10 11:21:48

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Contents Espresso Maker Cremapresso Model EEA250 RO Manual de instrucţiuni Teile ComponentsÉléments OnderdelenThere is a risk for scalding Safety advice / SicherheitshinweiseFahr VerbrennungsgefahrSébouillanter Consignes de sécurité / VeiligheidsadviesDe sébouillanter Dat u zich niet brandtPremière utilisation / Het eerste gebruik Getting startedNach dem Brühen nehmen Sie den Une fois la percolation terminéeVerwijder de lterhouder nadat Die Verwendung von Dampf Steam can be used to froth milkStoom kan worden gebruikt Placez un bol sous la buse vapeurSL ET Turn the machine off and let it Schalten Sie die Maschine ausZet het apparaat uit en laat het Minutes Troubleshooting / Fehlersuche Gestion des pannes / Problemen oplossen Disposal / Entsorgung Mise au rebut / Verwijdering Componentes ComponentiBileşenler Poggiatazze Serbatoio dellacquaAttenzione a non scottarsi Norme di sicurezza / Consejo de seguridadUstioni QuemadurasRisco de queimaduras Avisos de segurança / Emniyet tavsiyesiMayın. Yanma riski mevcuttur Haşlanma riski mevcutturMakineyi düz bir yüzey üzerine Coloque a máquina sobre umaIsıtma işlemi sona erdiğinde seçme Filtre tutucuyu yerine takınPossibile utilizzare il vapore El vapor puede utilizarse paraSütü köpürtmek ve sıvıları ısıt Sini pozisyonuna döndürün ELX12542FrancaEspressoSelectorELX26lang.indd 2009-06-10 SL ET Ricerca ed eliminazione dei guasti / Solución de problemas Resolução de problemas / Sorun giderme Elden çıkarma Smaltimento / Cómo desechar el electrodomésticoDelar KomponenterOsat Säkerhet / Sikkerhedsråd Paineistettu. Palovammavaara Turvallisuusohjeita / SikkerhetsrådPalovamman FareELX12542FrancaEspressoSelectorELX26lang.indd 2009-06-10 SL ET Upota höyrysuutin kuumuutta kestävään astiaan, jossa on mai Nedsænk dampdysen i en var- mebestandig beholder med mælkDrej drejeknappen tilbage til for at stoppe vandet For at få varmt vand skal du plaSaat kuumaa vettä panemalla Skal du ha varmt vann, setterSluk apparatet, og lad det køle af Sett inn delene igjen og fest filte- ret skikkelig Felsökning / Fejlfinding Vianetsintä / Feilsøking Kassering / Bortskaffelse Hävittäminen / Kassering Komponenty SoučástiКомпоненты КомпонентиBezpečnostní pokyny / Bezpečnostné informácie Ошпариться Меры предосторожности / Поради щодо техніки безпекиВодой можно ошпариться Існує ризик опіківUmístěte přístroj na rovný po Začínáme / Začíname Подготовка к работе / Початок роботиPrístroj umiestnite na rovnú Тальній поверхні та наповнітьPo dovarení vyberte držiak filtra Vložte do přístroje držák sítkaMlieka alebo zohrievanie tekutín Rozsvítí se nepřerušovaněKať a začne svietiť nepretržite Для вспенивания молока илиPři přípravě horké vody umístěte Kontrolka zhasne a přesuňte otoč- ný přepínač do polohyДля получения горячей воды поставьте чашку под насадку Для гарячої води розташуйте чашку під випускним отвором дляELX12542FrancaEspressoSelectorELX26lang.indd 2009-06-10 Нажмите кнопку горячей воды Stlačte tlačidlo horúcej vodyOdstraňování závad / Odstraňovanie porúch Устранение неполадок / Усунення неполадок Likvidace / Likvidácia Утилизация / Утилізація Készülék részei Części i oznaczeniaSastavni dijelovi KomponenteBezpieczeństwo / Biztonsági előírások Sigurnosni savjeti / Bezbednosni saveti OpeklinaOpasnost od opekotina Postavite uređaj na vodoravnu Ustaw urządzenie na płaskiejSL ET Gőzfúvókát merítse hőálló Postane postojanaForró víz nyeréséhez helyezzen Aby uzyskać gorącą wodę, umieśćELX12542FrancaEspressoSelectorELX26lang.indd 2009-06-10 Ponovite dvaput, svježom vodom Usuwanie usterek / Hibaelhárítás Otklanjanje poteškoća / Rešavanje problema Odlaganje Sestavni deli ComponenteKoostisosad Индикатор за ниво Мерителна лъжичка с трамбовкаRiscul de opărire Sfaturi de siguranţă / Указания за безопасностRiscul de arsuri Există riscul de opărireVarnostni nasveti / Ohutussoovitused Поставете уреда на равна Aşezați aparatul pe o suprafațăNapravo postavite na ravno Asetage seade tasasele pinnaleSL ET Парата може да се използва Aburul se poate folosi pentru aAuru saate kasutada piima va Aşezați un vas sub duza de aburiЗа гореща вода поставете чаша Pentru apă fierbinte, puneţi oČe potrebujete vročo vodo, pod Paigutage kuuma vee jaoks auruИзключете кафе машината и я Opriți aparatul şi lăsați-l să sePange koostisosad tagasi ja fik- seerige filter korralikult Remedierea defecţiunilor Odpravljanje težav / Veaotsing Materialele de ambalare Aparatele vechiОпаковъчни материали Stara napravaSastāvdaļas Sudedamosios dalysLīmeņa rādītājs Mērkarote ar blieti Dījumus Ieteikumi drošībaiBĪSTAMI! Ūdens ir karsts pastāv risks applaucēties Ūdens ir karsts pastāv risks applaucē- tiesSaugos patarimas PAVOJUS! Vanduo karštas, galima nusiplikytiJUS! Vanduo karštas, galima nusipliky- ti Darba sākšana / Naudojimo pradžia ES PT TR Rankenėlę keletui sekundžių į padėtį Papildu funkcijas / Papildomos funkcijosDE fR nL DA fI nb CS Sk Ru uk PL hu hR RO bg Tīrīšana un apkope / Valymas ir priežiūra Nospiediet karstā ūdens pogu un Darbības traucējumu novēršana Trikčių šalinimas Iepakojuma materiāli Utilizācija / IšmetimasSenas prietaisas Pakavimo medžiagosELX12542FrancaEspressoSelectorELX26lang.indd 2009-06-10 3480EEEA25002010509

EEA250 specifications

The Electrolux EEA250 is a standout appliance in the realm of dishwashers, renowned for its efficient cleaning performance and innovative features. This model promises to simplify your dishwashing tasks while ensuring that your dishes come out sparkling clean, making it a practical choice for families and individuals alike.

One of the key features of the EEA250 is its impressive cleaning capacity. With multiple rack configurations, it can accommodate a significant number of dishes, pots, and pans in a single cycle. The adjustable top rack allows users to customize the space according to their needs, effectively maximizing the dishwasher's capacity for various types of crockery.

The EEA250 employs advanced cleaning technologies, including an efficient wash system that ensures a thorough clean with every cycle. The unique spray arm design enhances water distribution, reaching every corner of the dishwasher to remove stubborn food residues and grease. This technology is complemented by a robust filtration system that prevents food particles from redepositing on clean dishes, thereby maintaining hygiene standards.

Energy efficiency is another notable characteristic of the Electrolux EEA250. With an eco-friendly design, it utilizes less water and energy compared to traditional dishwashers. This not only helps reduce utility bills but also minimizes environmental impact, making it an attractive option for eco-conscious consumers. The energy-efficient operation does not compromise performance, as the EEA250 provides superior cleaning power while conserving resources.

Moreover, the EEA250 incorporates user-friendly features that enhance the overall experience. The intuitive control panel allows users to easily select from various wash programs, including quick washes for lightly soiled items and intensive cycles for heavily soiled pots. Additionally, the dishwasher operates at low noise levels, ensuring that it doesn't disrupt household activities during operation.

In terms of design, the Electrolux EEA250 showcases a sleek and modern aesthetic that seamlessly integrates into contemporary kitchens. The durable stainless-steel finish is not only stylish but also resists fingerprints and smudges, making maintenance easy.

Overall, the Electrolux EEA250 is a high-performance dishwasher that combines advanced cleaning technologies, energy efficiency, and user-friendly features. With its capacity to accommodate a variety of dishware and an eco-conscious approach, this model makes dishwashing a hassle-free and environmentally responsible task.