Multiquip MQP40IZ, MQP20IZ Mechanical Installation Fuel System Gaseous Fuels, Contaminants

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The most harmful contaminants in gaseous fuels are water vapor and sulfur. Water vapor is damaging to an engine because it may cause uncontrolled burning, pre-ignition, or other effects that can damage an engine. Liquid vapor or droplets must be removed from the fuel prior to entry into the engine by use of a dry filter that is mounted in the fuel system prior to the primary fuel pressure regulator. Sulfur and hydrogen sulfides will cause corrosion and serious damage to an engine over a relative short periods of time. The effects of sulfur in the fuel can be counteracted in part by use of high-ash natural lubricating oils. In general, engines should not be operated with fuels in excess of 10 parts per million (ppm).

Gaseous Fuel Supply

Consider the following when installing a natural gas or LPG fuel system:

„Gaseous fuel supply system design, materials, components, fabrication, assembly, installation, testing inspection operation and maintenance must comply with all applicable codes and standards. In addition, see NFPA Standards No. 30, No. 37, No. 54 and No. 58.

„The layout and sizing of gas piping must be adequate for handling the volume of gas required by the genset and all other equipment, such as building heating boilers supplied by the same source. Full load gas flow must be available at not less that the minimum required supply pressure, typically from 5 to 10 inches WC (water column) depending on the model. Final determination of pipe sizes must however be based upon the method approved by the authority having jurisdiction (see NFPA No. 54).

„Most installations will require one or more service gas pressure regulators. Gas supply pressure should not exceed 13.8 or 20 inches WC at the inlet to the generator set depending on the model. High pressure gas piping is not permitted inside buildings (5 psig for natural gas and 20 psig for LPG unless higher pressures are approved by the authority having jurisdiction). Gas pressure regulators must be vented to the outdoors according to code.

„All fuel gas systems at service pressures of 125 psig and less shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 54. All fuel gas systems at service pressures in excess of 125 psig shall be installed in accordance with ANSI/ ASME B31.3.

„LP-Gas systems, whether liquid or vapor phase, shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of NFPA 58.

„The pressure regulator installed on the supply line at the gas source for generator applications should never be a “pilot” regulator. A “pilot” style regulator is the type where the regulator requires a pressure line from the regulator housing to the downstream gas pipe to “sense” when downstream pressure has dropped. Pilot regulators do not work because the response time is unacceptable compared to the large–instantaneous changes in demand from the generator set.

„Approved flexible fuel hose must be used for connections at the engine to take up generator set movement and vibration.

„Most codes require both manual and electric (battery– powered) shut-off valves ahead of the flexible fuel hose(s). The manual valve should be of the indicating type.

„A dry fuel filter should be installed in each line to protect the sensitive pressure regulating components and orifices downstream from harmful foreign substances carried along in the gas stream (rust, scale, etc.).

„The rate of vaporization in an LPG tank depends upon the outdoor air temperature, unless the tank is equipped with a heater, and the quantity of fuel in the tank. Even on cold days ambient air heats and vaporizes LPG (mostly through the wetted tank surface) when air temperature is higher than LPG temperature.Withdrawing vapor causes tank temperature and pressure to drop. (At –37° F [–38° C] LPG has zero vapor pressure.) Unless there is enough fuel and enough heat available from ambient air, the vaporization rate will drop off, as the generator set runs, to less than that required to continue running properly.

Leakage of gaseous fuel is extremely dangerous. Natural gas and LPG contain carbon monoxide which can cause severe bodily harm or death when inhaled. Also, serious explosions and fires will occur if gas or propane leakage occurs where there is a spark. To prevent such hazards, immediately shut off all natural gas or propane supplies if a leak is detected. If in an enclosed area, ventilate the area as quickly as possible.


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Contents Application & Installation Manual MQ PowerPage Heres HOW to GET Help Table of Contents Page Foryour Safety and the Safety of Others Safety Message Alert SymbolsAccidental Starting Safety Message Alert SymbolsGeneral Safety Important Safety InstructionsGeneral Safety Radiator Important Safety InstructionsMaintenance Safety Operation SafetyEmergencies Always know the location of the nearest fire extinguisherBattery Safety Genset should be inspected regularly for fire hazards Fire ProtectionAlways drain fuel prior to lifting Lifting the Generator SetIntroduction Always remember Safety FIRST!!! Safety involves twoIntroduction About This ManualInstallation Application and InstallationOverview ApplicationCold Climates and Derating Factors Installation OverviewLocation Outdoor LocationsGenset Sizing Procedure „ Static Uninterrupted Power Supplies UPSGenset Sizing Generator Set Sizing CalculationsStep Sequence Guidelines 765.7 Repeat steps a and b as necessary through all the worksheets Running load should not be Generator Set Sizing Calculations Select a Generator SetEstablish the minimum size required Single-Phase Induction Motor Genset Sizing Determining Load CharacteristicsDetermining Load Characteristics Lighting Calculate SkVA as follows Genset Sizing Determining Load CharacteristicsThree-Phase Induction Motors Calculate SkW as follows Determining Load CharacteristicsFull SkVA 100201 Three Phase Nema Motor Code TableVariable Frequency Drives Synchronous MotorsStatic UPS Equation above Output kVA is the nameplate kVA capacityRadiator discharge air high frequency sound Noise ConsiderationNoise Laws and Regulations Noise Zones Peak DayEnvironmental Considerations dBA Comparison Chart dBABelow estimates the noise level from multiple noise sources Adding Additional Sound SourcesDistance Effects on dBA Effects of DistanceFollowing will help reduce structure-borne noise Reducing NoiseSee on page 32 for typical measures in reducing noise Following will help reduce airborne noiseReducing Noise Acoustic MaterialMounting Access to SetMounting on a Slab Floor Mounting on a Sub-Base Fuel TankMounting Foundation Mounting FoundationVibration Isolators Mountingthe Generator SETGeneral Information Mounting Vibration Isolators Installation and Adjustment ProcedureFuel System Installation Mechanical Installation Fuel System DieselDiesel Fuel Supply TankMechanical Installation Fuel System Diesel Minimum Fuel Supply / Return Hose and Pipe Sizes Diesel Fuel SupplyMechanical Installation Fuel System Gaseous Fuels Gaseous Fuel Supply Mechanical Installation Fuel System Gaseous FuelsContaminants Natural GAS Schedule 40 Iron Pipe Sizing Pipe and Tube SizingTypical Pipe Schematic for Propane Vapor Distribution Liquid Propane Schedule 40 Iron Pipe Sizing Mechanical Installation Fuel SystemAdditional references include Fuel Storage RegulationsEnvironmental Protection Field Installing a Generator Exhaust System Mechanical Installation Exhaust SystemExhaust System Installation Mechanical Installation Exhaust System Condensation Trap Factory Recommended Engine Exhaust Silencers Exhaust System Installation Reference DataPurpose of the Battery Mechanical Installation Battery SystemMQ Power Batteries How BatteriesWorkEngine Starting System Mechanical Installation Battery System„ See the Battery Safety Instructions on New Battery Installation Mechanical Installation NEW BatteryPreparation of Charged and Wet Batteries Preparation of Dry Charged Charged and Moist BatteriesRemoving Old Battery Mechanical Installation NEW BatteryDry Charged Batteries Charged and Moist Batteries ActivationBatteryTesting Battery System -TESTING BatteryStep One 1 -Visual Inspection See Flow Chart, on next Step Three 3 Load ProcedureBattery Testing Chart Battery System Batterytesting ChartCharging LowWater-loss Batteries Battery System Charging BatteryBattery Storage Battery System Battery Charger FC & FCA Battery Charger Battery System Battery ChargerLC1224-500-2 Battery Charger FC1224-10-2011U Battery ChargerBattery Charger Safety Battery System Battery Charger SafetyBattery Charger Installation Engine Cooling Mechanical Installation -VENTILATION and CoolingVentilation and Cooling Vents and DuctsLouvers Mechanical Installation -VENTILATION and CoolingFactory Mounted RadiatorVentilation Mechanical Installation Mounted Radiator CoolingRadiator Set Requirements Mechanical Installation Mounted Radiator CoolingMounted Radiator Cooling System Remote Radiator Cooling optional Mechanical Installation Remote Radiator CoolingRemote Radiator Cooling Mechanical Installation Remote Radiator CoolingHot Well Installation Mechanical Installation Hotwell Cooling19,200/60x8 = 40 gpm Mechanical Installation Heat Exchanger CoolingHeat Exchanger Coolant Heaters Coolant TreatmentCoolantTreatment Electrical Installation DC Controlwiring Control Box DC Control Wiring Control BOX Back PanelControl box contains the following „ Digital Control Module „ Control Box Back Panel ComponentsL3 3 PH DC Controlwiring Control BOX Back PanelGenerator Set Wire Diagram AC Electrical Connections Transfer SwitchConnection Of Generator Leads For Correct Voltage Output AC Electrical ConnectionsMounted fuel tank is used, the electrical stub-up Electrical TerminationsBreaker Line circuit breakerAC Electrical Connections System Grounding Pole ATS AC Electrical Connections System GroundingEquipment Grounding AC Electrical Connections Equipment GroundingElectrical Distribution System Electrical Distribution SystemPRE-START Preparation Run the Generator Set PRE-START PreparationAppendix Installation Checklist Appendix MAIN-LINE Circuit Breaker For MQ Power Industrial GeneratorsAppendix MAIN-LINE Circuit Breaker MQ Power Industrial Generator Specifications Appendix Generator SpecificationsAppendix Generator Specifications MQ Power Industrial Generator Specifications Appendix Engine Specifications MQP175IV MQP200IV MQP250IV Appendix Engine SpecificationsGenerator Model MQP300IV MQP350IV MQP400IV Generator Model MQP30GM MQP45GM MQP60GM MQP80GM MQP100GM Appendix Engine SpecificationsMQ Power Generator Dimensions & Weights Appendix Dimensions and WeightsMQ Power Generator Dimensions & Weights Appendix Dimensions AndweightsHeres HOW to GET Help