Multiquip MQP50IZ, MQP20IZ, MQP40IZ Mechanical Installation NEW Battery, New Battery Installation

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New Battery Installation

Before handling a battery, refer to page 11 for battery safety instructions.

Replacement batteries should equal or exceed the specified battery ratings. Replacing the original battery with one that has a lower capacity may result in poor performance and shorter life. If the replacement battery has considerably less capacity than the specified battery rating, it may not crank the engine at cold temperatures. Difficulty may also be experienced in cranking high compression engines when they are hot. The hot start condition can impose a cranking load on the battery equal to loads experienced at cold temperatures.

A premium battery with higher capacity than the specified battery rating will provide a safety factor that will result in longer battery service.

If the electrical load of the vehicle has been increased by the addition of accessories, and engine cranking occurs frequently, a larger alternator may be required. A larger alternator will provide increased output at low speed operation and will improve battery performance.

A replacement battery MUST have the same voltage and polarity specified. Be sure the replacement battery is dimensionally correct and compatible for the battery rack. To ensure a perfect fit for the replacement battery, it should be the same BCI Group Size as the original battery.

Preparation of Charged and Wet Batteries

All batteries should be fully charged and in proper working order before installation.

If a charged and wet replacement battery is being installed, be sure the specific gravity is at least 1.250 or higher and the battery voltage is at least 2.1 volts per cell. If the specific gravity is below 1.250, or the voltage is below 2.1 volts per cell, the battery should be charged.

If it should become necessary to dilute concentrated sulfuric acid to a lower specific gravity ALWAYS pour the acid into the distilled water — do this slowly — NEVER pour water into acid.

Use only distilled water in the

NOTE battery. Tap water can reduce the operating life of the battery.

Preparation of Dry Charged &

Charged and Moist Batteries

Dry charged and charged and moist batteries must be activated as described below before they can be used:

Dry Charged Batteries — Activation

1.Fill each cell of the battery to the top of the separators with the correct battery-grade electrolyte as specified in the manufacturer's instructions. Using higher or lower specific gravity electrolyte than that recommended can impair battery performance. Filling each cell to the top of the separators allows for expansion of the electrolyte as the battery is boost charged.

2.When a manufacturer recommends filling gravities of 1.265 or higher, boost charge 12-volt batteries at 15 amps (12-volt heavy duty batteries at 30 amps) until the specific gravity of the electrolyte is 1.250 or higher and the electrolyte temperature is at least 60°F (15.5°C) are reached. (In tropical climates, lower filling specific gravities are recommended.)

If the ambient temperature is 32°F (0°C) or less, it is imperative that the above instruction be followed.

3.After boost charge, check level of electrolyte in all cells. If required, add additional electrolyte to bring all levels to the bottom of the vent wells. DO NOT OVERFILL. If the battery requires top-off while in service, add water. NEVER ADD ACID to a battery.

Following the above instructions will insure proper activation of the battery and result in satisfactory performance.

Dry charged batteries may be placed in service immediately after activation. However, to ensure superior performance, the following additional steps are recommended:

Check the specific gravity of all cells. Under good storage conditions, the specific gravity upon activating a dry-charged battery will drop approximately 0.010 points and the temperature will rise 7° to 10°F (4° to 5.6°C) within twenty minutes of activation. A battery under these conditions requires little boost charging. However, should the specific gravity drop 0.030 points or more, with a corresponding increase in temperature, the negative plates become oxidized and the battery should be FULLY RECHARGED before use. Also, the battery should be recharged if one or more cells gas violently after the addition of electrolyte.


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Contents MQ Power Application & Installation ManualPage Heres HOW to GET Help Table of Contents Page Safety Message Alert Symbols Foryour Safety and the Safety of OthersSafety Message Alert Symbols Accidental StartingImportant Safety Instructions General SafetyImportant Safety Instructions General Safety RadiatorOperation Safety Maintenance SafetyEmergencies Always know the location of the nearest fire extinguisherBattery Safety Fire Protection Genset should be inspected regularly for fire hazardsLifting the Generator Set Always drain fuel prior to liftingAlways remember Safety FIRST!!! Safety involves two IntroductionIntroduction About This ManualApplication and Installation InstallationOverview ApplicationInstallation Overview Cold Climates and Derating FactorsLocation Outdoor Locations„ Static Uninterrupted Power Supplies UPS Genset Sizing ProcedureGenset Sizing Generator Set Sizing CalculationsStep Sequence Guidelines 765.7 Repeat steps a and b as necessary through all the worksheets Establish the minimum size required Generator Set Sizing Calculations Select a Generator SetRunning load should not be Determining Load Characteristics Lighting Genset Sizing Determining Load CharacteristicsSingle-Phase Induction Motor Three-Phase Induction Motors Genset Sizing Determining Load CharacteristicsCalculate SkVA as follows Determining Load Characteristics Calculate SkW as followsFull SkVA 100Three Phase Nema Motor Code Table 201Synchronous Motors Variable Frequency DrivesStatic UPS Equation above Output kVA is the nameplate kVA capacityNoise Consideration Radiator discharge air high frequency soundNoise Laws and Regulations Noise Zones Peak DayComparison Chart dBA Environmental Considerations dBAAdding Additional Sound Sources Below estimates the noise level from multiple noise sourcesEffects of Distance Distance Effects on dBAReducing Noise Following will help reduce structure-borne noiseSee on page 32 for typical measures in reducing noise Following will help reduce airborne noiseAcoustic Material Reducing NoiseAccess to Set MountingMounting on a Slab Floor Mounting on a Sub-Base Fuel TankMounting Foundation Mounting FoundationGeneral Information Mountingthe Generator SETVibration Isolators Installation and Adjustment Procedure Mounting Vibration IsolatorsMechanical Installation Fuel System Diesel Fuel System InstallationDiesel Fuel Supply TankMechanical Installation Fuel System Diesel Diesel Fuel Supply Minimum Fuel Supply / Return Hose and Pipe SizesMechanical Installation Fuel System Gaseous Fuels Contaminants Mechanical Installation Fuel System Gaseous FuelsGaseous Fuel Supply Pipe and Tube Sizing Natural GAS Schedule 40 Iron Pipe SizingTypical Pipe Schematic for Propane Vapor Distribution Mechanical Installation Fuel System Liquid Propane Schedule 40 Iron Pipe SizingEnvironmental Protection Fuel Storage RegulationsAdditional references include Exhaust System Installation Mechanical Installation Exhaust SystemField Installing a Generator Exhaust System Mechanical Installation Exhaust System Condensation Trap Exhaust System Installation Reference Data Factory Recommended Engine Exhaust SilencersMechanical Installation Battery System Purpose of the BatteryMQ Power Batteries How BatteriesWork„ See the Battery Safety Instructions on Mechanical Installation Battery SystemEngine Starting System Mechanical Installation NEW Battery New Battery InstallationPreparation of Charged and Wet Batteries Preparation of Dry Charged Charged and Moist BatteriesMechanical Installation NEW Battery Removing Old BatteryDry Charged Batteries Charged and Moist Batteries ActivationBattery System -TESTING Battery BatteryTestingStep One 1 -Visual Inspection See Flow Chart, on next Step Three 3 Load ProcedureBattery System Batterytesting Chart Battery Testing ChartBattery Storage Battery System Charging BatteryCharging LowWater-loss Batteries Battery System Battery Charger Battery System Battery Charger FC & FCA Battery ChargerLC1224-500-2 Battery Charger FC1224-10-2011U Battery ChargerBattery Charger Installation Battery System Battery Charger SafetyBattery Charger Safety Mechanical Installation -VENTILATION and Cooling Engine CoolingVentilation and Cooling Vents and DuctsMechanical Installation -VENTILATION and Cooling LouversMechanical Installation Mounted Radiator Cooling Factory Mounted RadiatorVentilationMounted Radiator Cooling System Mechanical Installation Mounted Radiator CoolingRadiator Set Requirements Mechanical Installation Remote Radiator Cooling Remote Radiator Cooling optionalMechanical Installation Remote Radiator Cooling Remote Radiator CoolingMechanical Installation Hotwell Cooling Hot Well InstallationHeat Exchanger Mechanical Installation Heat Exchanger Cooling19,200/60x8 = 40 gpm CoolantTreatment Coolant TreatmentCoolant Heaters Electrical Installation DC Controlwiring DC Control Wiring Control BOX Back Panel Control BoxControl box contains the following „ Digital Control Module „ Control Box Back Panel ComponentsDC Controlwiring Control BOX Back Panel L3 3 PHGenerator Set Wire Diagram Transfer Switch AC Electrical ConnectionsAC Electrical Connections Connection Of Generator Leads For Correct Voltage OutputElectrical Terminations Mounted fuel tank is used, the electrical stub-upBreaker Line circuit breakerAC Electrical Connections System Grounding AC Electrical Connections System Grounding Pole ATSAC Electrical Connections Equipment Grounding Equipment GroundingElectrical Distribution System Electrical Distribution SystemPRE-START Preparation PRE-START Preparation Run the Generator SetAppendix Installation Checklist For MQ Power Industrial Generators Appendix MAIN-LINE Circuit BreakerAppendix MAIN-LINE Circuit Breaker Appendix Generator Specifications MQ Power Industrial Generator SpecificationsAppendix Generator Specifications MQ Power Industrial Generator Specifications Appendix Engine Specifications Appendix Engine Specifications MQP175IV MQP200IV MQP250IVGenerator Model MQP300IV MQP350IV MQP400IV Appendix Engine Specifications Generator Model MQP30GM MQP45GM MQP60GM MQP80GM MQP100GMAppendix Dimensions and Weights MQ Power Generator Dimensions & WeightsAppendix Dimensions Andweights MQ Power Generator Dimensions & WeightsHeres HOW to GET Help