Multiquip MQP60IV, MQP20IZ Mechanical Installation Heat Exchanger Cooling, 19,200/60x8 = 40 gpm

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Heat Exchanger

A heat exchanger installation uses a shell and tube type heat exchanger instead of the standard radiator and fan (see Figure 29 below). Engine jacket and coolant circulates through the shell side of the two heat exchangers while the cooling water is pumped through the tubes. Engine coolant and raw water do not mix. This type of cooling separation is necessary because raw water can contain scale-forming lime or other impurities.

This system can reduce set enclosure airflow requirements and noise levels. Proper operation depends on a constant supply of raw water for heat removal. Adjust the flow to maintain the proper engine jacket water coolant temperature and the coolant temperature. The engine coolant side of the system can be protected from freezing; the raw water side cannot be protected.

The engine, pump, and liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger form a closed, pressurized cooling system. The engine coolant and raw cooling water do not mix. Consider the following:

„The installation will require a powered ventilating system.

„To obtain the net power available from the genset, add the fan load indicated on the specification sheet to the power rating of the set and subtract the power consumed by the remote radiator fan, ventilating fans, coolant pumps, and other accessories required for the genset to run.

„A pressure reducing valve must be provided if water source pressure exceeds the heat exchanger pressure rating.

„The heat exchanger and water piping must be protected from freezing if the ambient temperature can fall below 32°F (0°C).

„A thermostatic water valve (nonelectric) is recommended to modulate water flow in response to coolant temperature. A normally closed battery powered shut- off valve is also required to shut off the water when the set is not being used. (Always leave water on if a standby application)

„There must be sufficient raw water flow to remove the heat rejected to coolant indicated on the specification sheet. Note that a gallon of water absorbs approximately 8 BTU each 1°F rise in temperature (specific heat). Also, it is recommended that the raw water leaving the heat exchanger not exceed 140°F (60°C). Use the following formula:

If a set rejects 19,200 Btu per minute and the raw water inlet temperature is 80°F, the raw water required is:

[19,200/(60x8)] = 40 gpm

Figure 29. Heat Exchanger Installation


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Contents Application & Installation Manual MQ PowerPage Heres HOW to GET Help Table of Contents Page Foryour Safety and the Safety of Others Safety Message Alert SymbolsAccidental Starting Safety Message Alert SymbolsGeneral Safety Important Safety InstructionsGeneral Safety Radiator Important Safety InstructionsAlways know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher Operation SafetyMaintenance Safety EmergenciesBattery Safety Genset should be inspected regularly for fire hazards Fire ProtectionAlways drain fuel prior to lifting Lifting the Generator SetAbout This Manual Always remember Safety FIRST!!! Safety involves twoIntroduction IntroductionApplication Application and InstallationInstallation OverviewOutdoor Locations Installation OverviewCold Climates and Derating Factors LocationGenerator Set Sizing Calculations „ Static Uninterrupted Power Supplies UPSGenset Sizing Procedure Genset SizingStep Sequence Guidelines 765.7 Repeat steps a and b as necessary through all the worksheets Establish the minimum size required Generator Set Sizing Calculations Select a Generator SetRunning load should not be Determining Load Characteristics Lighting Genset Sizing Determining Load CharacteristicsSingle-Phase Induction Motor Three-Phase Induction Motors Genset Sizing Determining Load CharacteristicsCalculate SkVA as follows 100 Determining Load CharacteristicsCalculate SkW as follows Full SkVA201 Three Phase Nema Motor Code TableEquation above Output kVA is the nameplate kVA capacity Synchronous MotorsVariable Frequency Drives Static UPSNoise Zones Peak Day Noise ConsiderationRadiator discharge air high frequency sound Noise Laws and RegulationsEnvironmental Considerations dBA Comparison Chart dBABelow estimates the noise level from multiple noise sources Adding Additional Sound SourcesDistance Effects on dBA Effects of DistanceFollowing will help reduce airborne noise Reducing NoiseFollowing will help reduce structure-borne noise See on page 32 for typical measures in reducing noiseReducing Noise Acoustic MaterialMounting on a Sub-Base Fuel Tank Access to SetMounting Mounting on a Slab FloorMounting Foundation Mounting FoundationGeneral Information Mountingthe Generator SETVibration Isolators Mounting Vibration Isolators Installation and Adjustment ProcedureSupply Tank Mechanical Installation Fuel System DieselFuel System Installation Diesel FuelMechanical Installation Fuel System Diesel Minimum Fuel Supply / Return Hose and Pipe Sizes Diesel Fuel SupplyMechanical Installation Fuel System Gaseous Fuels Contaminants Mechanical Installation Fuel System Gaseous 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Remote Radiator CoolingHot Well Installation Mechanical Installation Hotwell CoolingHeat Exchanger Mechanical Installation Heat Exchanger Cooling19,200/60x8 = 40 gpm CoolantTreatment Coolant TreatmentCoolant Heaters Electrical Installation DC Controlwiring „ Control Box Back Panel Components DC Control Wiring Control BOX Back PanelControl Box Control box contains the following „ Digital Control ModuleL3 3 PH DC Controlwiring Control BOX Back PanelGenerator Set Wire Diagram AC Electrical Connections Transfer SwitchConnection Of Generator Leads For Correct Voltage Output AC Electrical ConnectionsLine circuit breaker Electrical TerminationsMounted fuel tank is used, the electrical stub-up BreakerAC Electrical Connections System Grounding Pole ATS AC Electrical Connections System GroundingEquipment Grounding AC Electrical Connections Equipment GroundingElectrical Distribution System Electrical Distribution SystemPRE-START Preparation Run the Generator Set PRE-START PreparationAppendix Installation Checklist Appendix MAIN-LINE Circuit Breaker For MQ Power Industrial GeneratorsAppendix MAIN-LINE Circuit Breaker MQ Power Industrial Generator Specifications Appendix Generator SpecificationsAppendix Generator Specifications MQ Power Industrial Generator Specifications Appendix Engine Specifications MQP175IV MQP200IV MQP250IV Appendix Engine SpecificationsGenerator Model MQP300IV MQP350IV MQP400IV Generator Model MQP30GM MQP45GM MQP60GM MQP80GM MQP100GM Appendix Engine SpecificationsMQ Power Generator Dimensions & Weights Appendix Dimensions and WeightsMQ Power Generator Dimensions & Weights Appendix Dimensions AndweightsHeres HOW to GET Help