DECT over IP® | Configuration |
Also change the Mode setting on the Telephony: Devices: DECTover IP page to “IP address configured local” and enter there the configured IP address for the DECT over IP Manager. All other base stations can be operated using either a fixed IP address or an IP address assigned dynamically via DHCP. Please refer to the information given in the chapter entitled LAN DHCP Server starting on page 73.
Note: A base station cannot be operated as a DECT over IP Manager and a
Create a separate entry for each DECT over IP base station and for the DECT over IP Manager on the Telephony: Devices: DECTover IP page. You use these entries to determine the VoIP data compression (“Profile”).
Configurator: Telephony: Devices: DECT over IP
User administration and
The DECT over IP Manager offers a separate web user interface to manage the set- tings of devices with WLAN functions. Therefore at least one