Installation | LAN Integration |
Uninstall or deactivate services allocated to the following ports. Port numbers in current use are listed on the System Info: Network: Ports page in the Configu- rator of the Web console.
Port Numbers
Transport | Port(s) | Description |
TCP | 67 | DHCP and BOOTP service for IP config- |
| uration of VoIP terminals |
TCP | 80 | HTTP service for operating the Web |
| console and the OpenCTI application |
TCP | 389 | LDAP service for querying the tele- |
| phone book |
TCP | internal administrative services | |
TCP | 7001 | CSTA service |
TCP | 8099 | |
TCP | 8100 | IP_L2_REGM, registration service for |
| VoIP system telephones |
TCP | 8101 | IP_L2, service for VoIP system tele- |
| phones |
TCP | 8106 | DECT monitor service |
TCP | predefined port numbers for a | |
| bundle |
TCP | 14456 | CTI control service (UDP also) |
TCP | 14457 | CTI data service |
TCP | 27015 | sysmon service (localhost only) |
TCP | 27016 | autolog service (localhost only) |
TCP | 28015 | supervisor system service (localhost |
| only) |
TCP | 28016 | supervisor admin service (localhost |
| only) |
TCP | 59414 | RM_RTP service |