The G154 cycle loads the tool, checks, and updates length and diameter wear registers if specified, until a maximum value is exceeded, then it alarms out stopping the program.

This cycle can be used in place of calling up a tool before running it.

You must know the distance from the top of the probe stylus down that you have to move so that the largest part of the tool diameter is even with the side of the probe stylus for diameter measurement. That value is placed in E if different then the default 0.1" (2.54 mm).

To check the tool length and/or tool diameter for wear or breakage:

In place of the usual Tn M6 command, use:

G154 Tn Dn Kn Jn En Un" at a tool change according to the instructions above and the control checks the tool prior to using it. To activate the new offset wear values you must call that tool with "T(Tool#) M6" after this cycle has been run.

Spindle Probe

Spindle Probe Cycles

This section describes operation and an overview of the spindle probing cycles available in 3500i. It is designed to assist in part setup.

Before using the spindle probe or spindle probe cycles, you must have the tool number of the spindle probe active with its tool attribute "Type" set to "Touch Probe" instead of the default "Milling Cutter".

Rotation, mirroring and scaling is not allowed while running these.

Spindle Probe Settings

Before using your spindle probe for part setup, you must set and/or verify some settings in the configuration data.

When entering values in the probing machine parameters, keep in mind that all values are entered in metric.

To access the settings, select Config from the System Maintenance menu.

If prompted, enter the full access password 222, and then press Ok.

Press the Config Data button on the horizontal menu bar to enable the tree view.

Navigate to System ->Probing ->CfgSpindleProbingParamaters

In this section, you should verify the following settings:

spindleProbeType - set to 'Corded' for wired probes, or 'Cordless' for wireless probes.

nominalProbeStylusBallRadius - set to the radius of the probe tip.

diameterOfSpindleProbeGauge - set to the diameter of the ring gauge that is to be used for calibration. The ring gauge diameter can also be specified as a parameter in the calibration cycle later on if desired.

Some spindle probing cycles will also use the following settings, for which the defaults are typically fine, but that you may prefer to alter:

7.3 Probing Cycles

ACU-RITE 3500i


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