ACU-RITE 3500i 199
7.3 Probing Cycles
Tool Probe Calibration Cycle
This is used to set the Z datum for length preset, the effective probe
stylus diameter for setting tool diameter registers, and establishes
the center of the probe stylus.
This cycle is used to calibrate the probe. This is used to set the Z
datum for length preset, establishing the center of the probe stylus,
and the effective probe stylus diameter for setting tool diameter
Calibration must be done at least once before using the
tool probe. Once the probe has been calibrated, calibration
does not need to be done again unless the probe is moved
or a new part is being setup. The cycle must always know
the relationship between the top of the part and the top of
the probe to set the TLO.
Field Code Description
DiamOfStd D The diameter of the part of the calibration
standard that comes in contact with the
probe stylus during calibration. This should
be an exact measurement. (Optional)
override for the
DiameterOfToolProbeGauge machine
setup parameter) .
DistDown E The incremental distance from the current Z
Retract amount to go down along the side
of the probe stylus when doing a diameter
pick. The maximum E value is 0.55" (13.97
mm) or the tool may crash into the probe or
table. If you enter a value larger than 0.55"
(13.97 mm), the control issues an error
message. If E is not set, the cycle uses a
default value of 0.1" (2.54 mm). (Optional)
[Default: 0.1"]. Z Retract Amount is set in
the Tool Probe Parameters.