Appendix C. Acronyms and Abbreviations
FSU | frame relay service unit |
FT1 | fractional T1 |
GUI | graphical user interface |
HDLC | |
IA | inactive |
IP | internet protocol |
ISDN | integrated services digital network |
ITU | International Telecommunications Union |
IXC | interexchange carrier |
KA | keep alive |
kbps | kilobits per second |
LAN | local area network |
LBO | line buildout |
LEC | local exchange carrier |
LED | light emitting diode |
LI | link integrity |
LLC | logical link control |
LOS | loss of signal |
LMI | local management interface |
LRC | lateral redundancy check |
MIB | management information base |
ms | millisecond |
NI | network interface |
OCU | office channel unit |
OOS | out of service |
PRM | performance report message |
PRI | Primary Rate ISDN |
TSU IQ+ User Manual |