Chapter 8. Configuring DBU Options
be identical. If using front panel entry, see the section Entering Letters Using the Front Panel on page
Daily Lockout
Enable/disable the daily lockout specified by the fields LOCKOUT
Lockout Start
Enter the hour that the daily lockout begins and dial backup is disabled. This setting only applies if the DAILY LOCKOUT parameter is enabled. Choices are 0 to 23.
Lockout End
Enter the hour that the daily lockout ends and dial backup is reactivated (0 to 23). This setting only applies if the DAILY LOCKOUT parameter is enabled.
Weekend Lock
If enabled, no backup will occur from midnight Friday to midnight Sunday.
With Network Failure (WITH NET FAIL)
When enabled, the TSU IQ+ enters backup mode when network failure is detected. The factory default setting is ENABLE.
With No LMI
When enabled, the TSU IQ+ enters backup mode when a loss of signaling from the frame relay switch is detected. The default setting is ENABLE.
With PVC Inactive
This option works in conjunction with the DBU ON INACTIVE option in the PVC configuration table. The WITH PVC INACTIVE option acts as a master switch for auto DBU operation based on the PVC state. If this option is set to ENABLED, then each DBU ON INACTIVE option applies. If this option is set to DISABLE, then each DBU ON INACTIVE option is disabled. See DBU on Inactive on page
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