Appendix C. Acronyms and Abbreviations
PU | physical unit |
PVC | permanent virtual circuit |
RD | receive data |
RDL | remote digital loopback |
RFC | request for comments |
RFECN | remote forward explicit congestion notification |
RIP | routing information protocol |
RMA | return material authorization |
RNR | receiver not ready |
RR | receiver ready |
RS | request to send; also recommended standard |
RTS | request to send |
Rx | receive |
SAP | service access point |
SDLC | synchronous data link control |
SES | severely errored seconds |
SF | superframe |
SLIP | serial line internet protocol |
SNA | systems network architecture |
SNMP | simple network management protocol |
SR | data set ready |
SVC | switched virtual circuit |
SW56 | switched 56 |
sync | synchronous |
TD | transmit data |
telco | telephone company |
TR | data terminal ready |
Tx | transmit |
UA | unavailable |
TSU IQ+ User Manual |