Chapter 4 Calibration Procedures
Calibration Count
Calibration Count
The calibration count feature provides an independent “serialization” of your calibrations. You can determine the number of times that your function generator has been calibrated. By monitoring the calibration count, you can determine whether an unauthorized calibration has been performed. Since the value increments by one for each calibration, a complete calibration increases the value by approximately 85 counts.
œThe calibration count is stored in
œThe calibration count increments up to a maximum of 32,767 after which it wraps around to 0. There is no way provided to program or reset the calibration count. It is an independent electronic calibration “serialization” value.
Calibration Message
You can use the calibration message feature to record calibration information about your function generator. For example, you can store such information as the last calibration date, the next calibration due date, the function generator’s serial number, or even the name and phone number of the person to contact for a new calibration.
You can record information in the calibration message only from the remote interface. You can read the message from either the
œThe calibration message may contain up to 40 characters. The function generator can display up to 11 characters of the message on the front panel; any additional characters are truncated.
œThe calibration message is stored in