Display Annunciators
Adrs | Function generator is addressed to listen or talk over a remote interface. |
Rmt | Function generator is in remote mode (remote interface). |
Trig | Function generator is waiting for a single trigger or external trigger (Burst, Sweep). |
AM | AM modulation is enabled. |
FM | FM modulation is enabled. |
Ext | Function generator is set for an external modulation source (AM, FSK, Burst). |
Burst | Burst modulation is enabled. |
Swp | Sweep mode is enabled. |
ERROR | Hardware or remote interface command errors are detected. |
Offset | The waveform is being output with an offset voltage. |
Shift | “Shift” key has been pressed. Press “Shift” again to turn off. |
Num | “Enter Number” mode is enabled. Press |
Arb | Arbitrary waveform function is enabled. |
| Sine waveform function is enabled. |
| Square waveform function is enabled. |
| Triangle waveform function is enabled. |
| Ramp waveform function is enabled. |
To review the display annunciators, hold down the turn on the function generator.
key as you