Standards Compliance | Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information |
Standards Compliance
The product bears the CE mark. In addition it is in compliance with the following other safety and EMC standards:
Safety Standards
•UL 60950
•EN 60950
•IEC 60950
•TS 001
•AS/NZS 3260
•CB Certification PBR IEC 950
EMC Standards
•FCC Part 15 (CFR 47) Class A/Class B
•EN 55022 Class A/Class B
•CISPR 22 Class A/Class B
•AS/NZS 3548 Class A/Class B
•VCCI Class A/Class B
•EN 55024
Safety and Environmental Standards
•ETS 300 019 Storage Class 1.1
•ETS 300 019 Transportation Class 2.3
•ETS 300 019 Stationary Use Class 3.1
OmniSwitch 6624, OmniSwitch 6648, OmniSwitch
page | OmniSwitch 6600 Family Hardware Users Guide September 2006 |