Nexus 7 Guidebook GeT sTARTed 4
Jelly Bean tips

Whether you’re new to Andr oid or an old hand, check o ut these

new features in Android 4.1 (Jell y bean).

Home screen

Google Play
New widgets on your Home sc reens
display recently used a pps, music ,
movies, books, or game s you already
have – including free con tent that
comes with your Nexus 7. othe r wid-
gets offer suggestio ns for browsing
Google Play.
Touch a widge t to
access content on
Google Play.
Touch & hold a
widget to resize or
remove it.
slide an icon slowly to move ot her
icons or widgets gentl y aside. This
makes it much easier to cha nge your
Home screen layout.
Touch & hold an icon
and slide slowly to
the location of your
Slide an icon quickly
to drop it into a

Google Search

Google Now Google Now gets you just th e right
information, at just th e right time –
such as today’s weather be fore you
start your day, how much tra fc to
expect before you leave fo r work, and
even your favorite team’s sco re while
they’re playing.
Swipe up from the
bottom center of any
Touch the Goog le
search bar at the top
of any Home screen.