Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke YouRseLF AT HoMe 21
Most apps include a Menu icon near the top or bot tom of the
screen that lets you contr ol the app’s settin gs.
organize your Home screens To add a widget to a Home screen:
1. Go to the Home sc reen where you wan t to place the widget .
2. Touc h the All Apps icon.
3. s wipe right to the Wi dgets tab and keep s wiping, if nec essary,
to nd the widget.
4. Touc h & hold the widget unt il the Home screen ap pears, slide
it into place, and lift you r nger.
To move an app or widget icon to a diffe rent location on a Ho me
1. Touch & hold the ic on.
2. S lide your nger to th e new position.
To move between Home screens , slide toward the edge of t he
To bump another icon out of the way, sli de slowly into it.
3. L ift your nger.
The icon drops into its new po sition.
To combine two icons in a folder, sl ide one quickl y over the other.
To open a folder, touch it.
To rename a folder, touch its name.