Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke YouRseLF AT HoMe 17
All Google Play recomme ndation widget s work the same way:
To resize a widget, touch & hold, th en let go and drag the blue
dots. To remove it, touch & hold, th en drag it to the Remove ico n
at the top of the screen.
To add another Play widget, touc h the All Apps icon, then
Widgets, and swipe from right to le ft until you see the one you
want. Then touch & hold, an d let go in the Home scre en location
you want.
Shop on Google Play
To open the Google Play store app, to uch the Play
store icon in your Favorites tr ay at the bottom of
every Home screen.
Most things you purchase o n Google Play are avai l-
able from your computer a s well as from any of you r
Android mobile devic es. (Android apps a re one exception – they
run only on Android devi ces.)
sign in to to get your entertainme nt from
Touch to see a
different suggestion
Touch to
avoid future
like this
Touch to learn more
Play Store