Nexus 7 Guidebook TuNe PeRFoRMANCe 46
optimize memory usageYou typically don’t nee d to worry about managin g apps beyond
installing, openin g, and using them. but there may be times
when you want to know more abo ut what’s happe ning behind the
Apps use two kinds of memo ry: internal stora ge and RAM. They
use internal storage for the mselves a nd any les, settings, and
other data they use. They al so use RAM (memory desi gned for
temporary storage an d fast access) when th ey’re running .
Android manages and ca refully guards the portion of in ternal
storage where the system , apps, and mos t data for those ap ps are
stored, because this are a may contain your private i nformation.
it’s not possible to view this p ortion of inter nal storage when yo u
connect your device to a co mputer with a usb cable. T he other
portion of internal storage, wher e music, downloaded les , and so
on are stored, remains vis ible for your conve nience.
Android also manages how apps u se RAM. it may cache some
things you’ve been using r ecently, for quicke r access if you need
them again, but it will era se the cache if it ne eds the RAM for n ew
You affect the way apps use inter nal storage directly and in di-
rectly in many ways — for exampl e, by:
• installing or uninstalling apps.
• Downloading les in Chr ome, Gmail, and ot her apps.
• Creating les (for example , by taking pictu res).
• Deleting downloaded les or les you crea ted.
• Copying les betwe en your devi ce and a comp uter via USB o r