Nexus 7 Guidebook GeT sTARTed 5
When the Google Now scre en is open,
you can just say “Google” t o activate
a voice search.
Touch the Goog le
search bar at the top
of any Home screen,
or swipe up from
the bottom of any
screen. Say “Google”
and your query to
Notica tion
supports expandable
notications that let
you perform additio nal
actions right from the
notication itself.
Swipe one nger from the
top of any screen to open the
notication shade.
Swipe two ngers vertica lly
or pinch-zoom to expand or
collapse a noticatio n.
Touch an icon inside certain
notications to handl e a task
Swipe to dismiss a notica tion.
guests for
a calendar
You can email attendees
from the Calendar app, o r
send a canned or custom
response directly fro m a
calendar notication.
Touch Email guests in the calen-
dar event or noticatio n. From
the notication, you ’ll have the
option to choose a canned o r
custom response.
Notica tion
You can now control the
volume for noticatio ns
separately from your ta b-
let’s main volume.
Press the volume button on
the side of your tablet, th en
touch the settings icon. Drag
slider to change the volume for
Lock your screen to keep
it in portrait mode.
Swipe one nger from the
top of any screen to open the
notication shade, a nd touch
the Rotation icon.